本文作者:hongxumoju000  发布时间:2019-12-08  来源:原创         转载到我的博客


四、U型槽模具商品外观不要有许多飞边毛刺,有刀销的痕迹。影响商品外观是钢模注塑的原因,钢模开欠好,塑料模具质量也罢不到哪里去。The use method of the cast-in-place anti-collision wall mold of Hongxu mold is mainly focused on the formwork produced by the cast-in-place method. According to the division of the structural style of the anti-collision wall mold, the production of the cast-in-place anti-collision wall requires two pieces to be combined, while the tools for fixing the two pieces of formwork are ordinary pull rods, and the number of railings is directly related to the length of the formwork Pay attention to the tightness of the connection when using. The use of the anti-collision wall mold is to complete the production task of the concrete anti-collision wall according to the on-site pouring of two pieces of combined structure, so the definition of the anti-collision wall mold is to weld the steel formwork, and fix the two pieces of formwork through the pull rod and screw. Under this definition, the anti-collision wall template can effectively ensure the smooth use of each project. The application mode of the anti-collision wall mold is the production mode formed by using the template on the road for a long time, because the mode of on-site pouring can save the time of secondary handling, which effectively improves the working efficiency. In the definition of anti-collision wall mold, some places call it anti-collision guardrail, its essential meaning is the same. In the production effect of concrete anti-collision wall, some fixing methods are different. The molds produced by the manufacturer are all fixed by the pull rod protruding from the top. In some places, it is required to be flat and fixed directly with steel bars. There are also some details to be noted, such as the length of the setting, often more than 1 meter, convenient for handling and disassembly.
