本文作者:lefeng111  发布时间:2019-10-08  来源:原创         转载到我的博客

塑料护坡模具的介绍 塑料护坡模具用pp的材质,pp具有很好的韧性,可溶性和可塑性, 塑料颗粒高温下化成液态,是液体流入特定好的铁模具中,利用液态水循环使其冷却,塑料就根据铁模具的规格而塑型,当然铁模具是根据每个客户的图纸特定的,从而产生六角护坡模具各种尺寸。六角护坡模具成型后,加入一定配比的水泥(混凝土),24小时左右托模,成品跟模具的尺寸规格一样。简单便捷。现在生产销售厂家虽然逐年增加,但大多数是规模小、设备陈旧、工艺落后、成本高、效益低。只有普通中小型标准冲模模架和塑料模模架、导柱、导套、推杆、模具弹簧、气动元件等产品,商品化程度较高,可基本满足国内市场的需求,并有部分出口。而那些技术含量高、结构先进、性能优异、质量上乘、更换便捷的具有个性化的产品,如球锁式快换凸模及固定板、固体润滑导板和导套、斜楔机构及其零部件,高档塑料模具标准件和氮气主弹簧等在国内的生产厂家甚少,且由于资金缺乏,技改项目难以实施,生产效率低,交货周期长,供需矛盾日益突出。


The material of PP used in plastic slope protection mould is introduced. PP has good toughness, solubility and plasticity. Plastic particles turn into liquid at high temperature. It is liquid that flows into a specific good iron mould. It is cooled by liquid water circulation. Plastics are shaped according to the specifications of the iron mould. Of course, the iron mould is specific according to the drawings of each customer, thus producing hexagons. Slope protection die of various sizes. After the hexagonal slope protection mold is formed, a certain proportion of cement (concrete) is added to support the mold for about 24 hours. The finished product is the same size as the mold. Simple and convenient. Although the number of manufacturers and sellers is increasing year by year, most of them are small-scale, outdated equipment, backward technology, high cost and low efficiency. Only ordinary small and medium-sized standard die holder and plastic die holder, guide pillar, guide sleeve, push rod, die spring, pneumatic components and other products, have a higher degree of commercialization, can basically meet the needs of the domestic market, and some exports. However, there are few domestic manufacturers of high-tech, advanced structure, excellent performance, superior quality and convenient replacement products with personalization, such as ball-lock quick change punch and fixing plate, solid lubrication guide plate and guide sleeve, wedge mechanism and its components, high-grade plastic mould standard parts and nitrogen main spring, etc. Moreover, due to lack of funds, technical transformation projects are difficult to implement and production efficiency is low. Low, long delivery cycle, supply and demand contradictions become increasingly prominent.
